It's Yorkshire Yarn Fest Time!

Posted by Ishrat Khawja on

It's been all go in the studio. It's taking me a while to get used to calling it a "studio". But my 4 year old keeps insisting it's a "studio". Thanks to all of the London Dusk love we've received AND the Ramadan Wool Club too! Thank you! I really don't know what else to say. London Dusk Pre-Orders are still available if you were after a skein or two. The Ramadan Wool Club slots sold out fairly quickly. You really blew us away with that! In case you might be interested in one next year, drop me an email and I'll make sure we let you know the next time we run such a fun collaboration. No spam. Promise! 

Yorkshire Yarn Fest kicks off tomorrow at 8 am GMT. Once again, you'll find me going live over on the Yorkshire Yarn Fest Instagram account at 9.20 am. If it's too early for you/your timezone, don't worry, as you'll be able to watch the lives later, on the Instagram feed and some will also be available on Youtube. The shop update will go live at 10 am GMT.

This time, we have a lovely Spring theme. And I got quite excited about that and had fun dyeing up a few others too. 


Spring Mini Set

Spring In My Step

Spring With Attitude

February Wanderlust Yarn Club

The Wanderlust Yarn Club listing will also be live tomorrow and this time we're going to Latin America! The pre-orders will be dyed up and shipped out within 10 days. 

There are a few skeins from January's Wanderlust Yarn Club available too (ready-to-ship)! 

The shop is fully stocked, with new items going live tomorrow at 10 am. Join me on the live at 9.20 am, with your breakfast if you like, to see all the squishy goodness up close! 


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